Themes & Dark Mode
Launching a theming system for Evidence, including dark mode - giving you the power to create publication-quality outputs that perfectly match your brand
Launching a theming system for Evidence, including dark mode - giving you the power to create publication-quality outputs that perfectly match your brand
Understanding discrete and continuous data will help you choose the right analysis and visualization methods
The ultimate guide to flat files, their use cases and format specifics
Comparing the most popular BI-as-code tools: Evidence, Streamlit, Dash, Observable, Shiny and Quarto
Launching commercial support for teams self-hosting Evidence apps, with access to maintainers, priority support, and expert guidance.
Deploy Evidence on Hugging Face Spaces by combining two Spaces: one to store the source code, and one to host the Evidence App as a static website
New interactive and customizable map components, with powerful filtering features
Our next step towards our ambition to be the universal front-end for data: Interactivity via SQL and connections to simultaneous data sources, all with extraordinary performance.
We're excited to announce our fundraise and the launch of Evidence Cloud.
Building a concise, context-rich Northstar report that is a compelling read for business stakeholders.
How to get things done in a data role when people won't stop asking you questions.
Our first launch week at Evidence focusses on Business Reviews, for which we've added features, a new guide and a template.
How to run a management meeting that elevates the most important issues, has a lower burden for content preparation, and generates impactful actions.
Data science-ing the way to higher pay with crowdsourced salary data
Data engineers can increase their comp by relocating or learning new tools - we show which are most likely to help.
How and why e-commerce businesses should measure On-Time Delivery (OTD)