Hugging Face Spaces Card

Deploy Evidence on Hugging Face Spaces

Deploy your Evidence app on Hugging Face Spaces by combining two Spaces: one to store the source code, and one to host the Evidence App as a static website

Hugging Face 🤗?

Hugging Face is a popular platform for sharing machine learning models and datasets.

Hugging Face Spaces is a feature that allows you to deploy applications. It’s a great way to host static sites, and it’s free!

Here you can see the finished product:

How to Create and Host an Evidence App on Huggingface Spaces

Step 1: Create a Space for the Source Code

First, create a Huggingface Space to store your code and build the app. For this one, use the Docker SDK, and select a blank template. This will be the “Source Code Space”.

Docker SDK

Step 2: Get the Source Code

We need to get our Evidence source code into the Space. Huggingface Spaces are just git repositories, so we start by cloning the repo.

Git Clone

With the local copy of the repo, put an Evidence project inside it.

git clone[your-username]/[your-repo]
cd [your-repo]
npx degit evidence-dev/template --force .

Use the --force flag because the directory already contains some Huggingface files. Once we push these files to git, our source control setup is complete!

Step 3: Set Up the Builder with Docker

Evidence is deployed as a static site, meaning the source code is built into HTML, CSS, and JS. We need something to run this process, and that’s where Docker comes in.

Add this Dockerfile at the root of your project and push it to git.

FROM ubuntu:22.04

# Install Node.js 20 -
# And python3
RUN apt update 
    && apt install -y curl python3 python3-pip 
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

RUN curl -fsSL -o 
    && bash 
    && apt update 
    && apt install -y nodejs 
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* 
    && rm

RUN pip install --upgrade "huggingface_hub[cli]"

# Build the app
WORKDIR /usr/app
COPY ./ /usr/app
RUN npm install
RUN npm run sources && npm run build

# Upload the app

## The site space name must be passed as an environment variable
## The Hugging Face token must be passed as a secret (
## 1. get from the site space
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=HF_TOKEN,mode=0444,required=true 
    huggingface-cli download --token=$(cat /run/secrets/HF_TOKEN) --repo-type=space --local-dir=/usr/app/build $STATIC_SPACE && rm -rf /usr/app/build/.cache
## 2. upload the new build to the site space, including
RUN --mount=type=secret,id=HF_TOKEN,mode=0444,required=true 
    huggingface-cli upload --token=$(cat /run/secrets/HF_TOKEN) --repo-type=space $STATIC_SPACE /usr/app/build . --delete "*"

## Halt execution because the code space is not meant to run.
CMD ["true"]

This Dockerfile does the following:

Step 4: Configure Credentials

Go into your Source Code Space and observe a build attempting to run. It’ll fail because we need to add two environment variables for the Dockerfile:

Add these via the Space settings


Step 5: Prepare the Hosting Space

Now, create a second Huggingface Space as a static site host. This Space will contain the built Evidence app, which we’ll refer to as the “Hosting Space”.

Choose the “Static SDK” and select a blank template.

Static Site Setup

Step 6: Try a Build

If it doesn’t start automatically, you can trigger this by clicking “Factory Rebuild” in the Space settings.

If you have a small Evidence app, expect this to take about a minute.

N.B. The Souce Code Space will say it has a Runtime Error when it finishes building, but that’s just because we kill the Docker container at the end of the build, and we don’t actually use this Space to run anything once the build is complete.

Step 7: Check the Published App

Go look at the published static app in your Hosting Space. It should be live!

Step 8: Update the App

To change the app, simply make a change to your local copy of the source code repo and push it. Your app rebuilds automatically!

Step 9: View Without Header

You can also view the app without the Huggingface header by going to “Embed this Space” and clicking on the “Direct URL” link.


That’s it! You’ve successfully deployed an Evidence App on Hugging Face Spaces.

See the demo app on Hugging Face →.