
Jul 25, 2024
Value, BarChart and Tabs

Value Component Colors, Fixes for DataTable Search and Page Loads

Bug Fixes

Jul 19, 2024

Breadcrumb customization and References styling

  • Breadcrumb customization: customize your page’s breadcrumbs to be more user friendly using the frontmatter title and breadcrumb options
  • Reference styling: customize your reference labels, font, and symbols to more effectively draw attention to your data

Bug Fixes

Jul 15, 2024 Jun 14, 2024

DataTable search & other fixes

Jun 12, 2024 Jun 1, 2024
Sliders and Download Button

Sliders and Download Button

  • Slider Inputs: perfect for calculators, scenario planning, simulations, and other decision support tools
  • Download Data: include a nice download button for any query results

Bug Fixes & Updates

May 17, 2024
Maps, New Inputs & Bug Fixes

Maps, New Inputs & Bug Fixes

Bug Fixes & Updates

May 3, 2024 Apr 26, 2024

Improved DataTable error handling & bug fixes

Apr 22, 2024 Apr 12, 2024
HTML column type

Dropdown improvements, HTML DataTable Columns, and JSON for postgres & duckdb

Docs Updates

  • The Evidence docs site has been refreshed and is now an Evidence project itself: Refreshed Docs

Bug Fixes

Apr 9, 2024
Full screen option for DataTable

Grouped Columns, Custom Conditional Formats, Improved Build Performance

Mar 28, 2024

Linked tooltips, Grouped Tables, Improved Inputs

Bug Fixes

Mar 22, 2024

Full screen DataTable, improvements to data loading, and bug fixes

Docs Updates

Bug Fixes

Mar 11, 2024

Full page width, multi-select, date range, and more

Breaking Changes

  • Reference syntax for Dropdowns
    • The syntax to access values from a Dropdown component has changed from ${inputs.my_query} to ${inputs.my_query.value}
    • This also allows you to access the labels of the Dropdown through ${inputs.my_query.label}

Bug fixes

Feb 29, 2024
Using a dimension grid to filter data

Sparkline Component & DuckDB 0.10.0

Bug Fixes

Docs Updates

Feb 23, 2024
Using a dimension grid to filter data

Dimension Grid, Print Format Components and Configurable Empty Component States

Bug Fixes

Docs Updates

Feb 10, 2024 Feb 1, 2024
A table with a total row with different aggregations for numeric and non-numeric columns

Build-Time Variables, Total Rows & Grid Layouts

Bug Fixes

Docs Updates

Jan 15, 2024 Jan 2, 2024
Rapidly filtering a bar chart using a button group

New Input Components, Connector Fixes

Bug Fix

Dec 21, 2023
A user filtering data with SQL using the USQL release

Universal SQL (v24)

This is a large release containing significant Breaking Changes and major new features. If you haven’t seen it already, here’s a recording of our recent community call discussing these changes.

We will continue to support legacy Evidence projects, and publish bug fixes for those earlier versions for some time.

New Features

Docs & Guides

Nov 30, 2023
A chart with a legend displayed on the right hand size

Fine-Control of Evidence Charts & Improved DataTable Search



Oct 16, 2023
Value Labels

Value Labels, Layout Refresh, Dual Axes, BoxPlot, and Custom Chart Colors



Oct 6, 2023
Connect Evidence to Trino and Databricks

Trino and Databricks Connectors


Sep 20, 2023

Custom SvelteKit Configs

Custom SvelteKit Configs: are now enabled, and will overwrite the Evidence defaults.



Sep 11, 2023 Jul 25, 2023
MotherDuck Integration

MotherDuck Integration and Details Component

  • MotherDuck: Connect to MotherDuck with Evidence
  • Details: Component to display collapsible content which is hidden by default

Bug Fixes


Jul 17, 2023
Accordion Component

New UI Components and DuckDB 0.8.1 Support

Evidence Labs

  • Leaflet Map: Experimental map component that uses Leaflet.js to render a map with a set of points

Jun 27, 2023
Change number and date formatting directly in components

Component Formatting, VS Code Slash Commands, & Several Other Improvements

Bug Fixes

Evidence Labs

Jun 16, 2023
Run Evidence with a keyboard shortcut, Ctrl+R

VSCode Shortcuts, UI Fixes, Snowflake Role

Bug Fixes

Jun 9, 2023
Map of France

Component Plugins and New Auth Options

Jun 6, 2023

VS Code Extension Updates

The latest version of the Evidence VS Code extension includes:

  • Lightning Fast New Evidence project Command: to create a project
  • Auto-Connect: to the included DuckDB packaged with the extension
  • Detects and Activates the Extension: when you open an Evidence project
  • Auto-Boot: Evidence in the browser when you open an Evidence (or turn this off in the settings)
  • Configure Default Port: for Evidence to run on

and more! (🙏🏼 @RandomFractals)

May 30, 2023

New VS Code Features

May 29, 2023

DuckDB Version Bump

  • Support for DuckDB 0.8.0: if you get an error about your DuckDB database being outdated, follow the instructions in the error message to upgrade.

May 18, 2023
A chart showing highlighted areas when above a certain threshold, as well as a line indicating a date when something changed.

Chart Annotations, Formatting outside of components, and a SQL Server Connector

A lot of new functionality coming out today!

Bug Fixes

Apr 21, 2023

Bug Fixes

We’ve released a few fixes the community identified recently with the latest release

  • CSV connector: should now work without any hacks.
  • BigQuery Wide Numeric Type: columns should appear properly in Evidence now
  • Design and Styles:
    • Added back some list styling which got dropped in the last version
    • Windows bugs with the query viewer have been resolved
      • Horizontal Scroll bars when queries are hidden
      • Data disappearing when scrolling horizontally in query viewer
    • Funnel Chart tweaked to be more legible

Apr 19, 2023
Alerts Component

Standalone SQL Queries, Frontmatter and New Components

Bug Fixes

Mar 10, 2023
Sankey Diagram

DuckDB 0.7, SvelteKit 1.0 & More

This release includes breaking changes, as we upgrade to SvelteKit 1.0. Node 14 is no longer supported, use Node >= 16.

Feb 17, 2023

Patch Release

Feb 14, 2023
A settings page for our new CSV connector

CSV Support & Open Source Repo Improvements

  • CSV Support: new connector that lets you query CSV files directly in your SQL (using duckdb under the hood!)

  • Fixes for DataTable:

    • Value formatting: fixes unit summaries in DataTable (e.g., 12,000 ---> 12k)
    • Download button fixes: download button was not appearing in tables without pagination; downloadable prop now works in all scenarios (turn on or off download ability for your users)
  • Testing & dev process improvements in our core open source repo:

Jan 31, 2023
US Map Component

Map Component & Improved Error Handling in Dev and Build

Jan 19, 2023
A table with images in the rows

New Table Features

Jan 13, 2023
Improved DataTable

Improved Tables

Jan 5, 2023
Funnel Chart

Visual Updates, Funnel Charts and Improved Accessibility

Dec 9, 2022 Nov 17, 2022

Blockquotes and Faster Install Times

Oct 19, 2022
Donut and funnel charts

Improvements to Components and Charts

Sep 9, 2022
Bubble chart with tooltip titles

Front-End Updates

Aug 19, 2022
Big Value Component

Big Value Component

A lot of users have styled some version of this into their projects using CSS, but the new <BigValue/> offers a lot more than just styling.

  • BigValue includes support for colour coded comparison, and a sparkline. They look great on their own, or arranged in a set.

Aug 5, 2022
The new mobile hamburger

Mobile Experience Updates

Users told us our mobile experience could be improved, so we’ve reworked it.

  • Top-right hamburger menu: Access all the pages in your Evidence project on mobile using the hamburger
  • Fewer bugs: We’ve introduced end-to-end tests which means we catch bugs before we release them!

Jul 21, 2022
Custom formats

Formatting & Image Support

-️ Format tags: covering a wide range of dates / times, many major currencies, numbers and percentages

  • Auto formats tags: which infer the number of decimal places and units (k, M, B) to display based on the input numbers
  • Custom formats: if you can’t find what you need in our standard tags, you can make any format supported by excel format strings eg ”$” ##0,000, “k”
  • Static folder: so you can add images and other static files to your project

Jun 28, 2022

Data Types & Tooltips

Jun 10, 2022

Syntax Updates & Copy/Paste

May 27, 2022

New Demo Project & Improved Dev Features

May 25, 2022

Sharing & Exporting Options

This release makes it easier to share your Evidence project outside Evidence.

  • Component download options: Download DataTables and query results as CSVs, save charts to PNG
  • Export to PDF: Save reports to PDF from each Evidence page
  • Telemetry opt-out: We record anonymous data to help us figure out when things are broken, and count the number of Evidence projects. If you’d rather we didn’t, you can now easily turn this off in the settings menu

May 13, 2022

Deploy Options & Dev Tooling

May 6, 2022

Making Evidence Easier

Users told us they wanted a simpler project structure and easier options to connect to their databases and deploy.

This release revamps the UI, strips back the project structure, adds UI options for connection and deployment. Read the PR in Github.

  • Simplified Evidence project structure - fewer confusing files cluttering your project directory
  • UI refresh - auto-generated sidebar nav, better errors and breadcrumbs
  • Slick database connections - now just use the settings menu in your Evidence project
  • Deploy straight from Evidence - get your Evidence project online from the settings menu
  • Updated, easier tutorial - a faster, funner start to using Evidence